Friday, September 30, 2011

Welcome to China

     After over 24 hours of traveling on planes and overlays (having meet Brother Galer, Abby Paulsen, Emily Peterson, and Kayli Winger in Seattle during one of those overlays), I finally arrive at the Beijing Airport. Did I understand any of the Chinese characters as I looked around? Not at all, but I was still so excited to be there. So as we emptied off the plane and waited for our little group to get together I took in my surroundings and that is where it hit me, I was not in America (or any western country for that matter) anymore. So we then headed off and as we exited the terminals area to search for our luggage we were greeted by a young Chinese fellow who went to school at Capital Normal University, where we would be staying too. This young man said he would wait over by the exit area for Betsy (another girl in our group), who would be arriving soon. Brother Galer looked at his noted and then said to us that we actually have a couple of hours until her flight comes and then he goes on to ask one of us if we want to go tell the young man that. I felt pretty confident to say this little phrase in Chinese (having spent almost 5 hours trying to talk/ trying to understand a Chinese man I had the opportunity to talk to on the flight over here) and so I said I would tell him. I head over to where he is standing thinking how I can say Betsy is arriving in 2 hours but when I open my mouth to say something I say, “Betsy…ta… hui lai…..liang nian.” Betsy…she…will come……two years. The young man looks at me like what are you talking about and then I know I have not only know idea what I just said but I have no idea how to speak Chinese either. So then I start to say Brother Galer’s name and then he came over and explained what he wanted me to say in fluent Chinese. But luckily the young man was right and she was arriving just then so we didn’t have to wait long for her before we headed off to the Capital Normal University campus.
            We arrive at the University around 11:30 local time and many of us if not all are exhausted and are ready to go to bed. So after some quick registrations we receive our room keys and are told we can go to our rooms. We all start to head off and three of us with our luggage get into an elevator to go to our rooms, and because there wasn’t enough room on the elevator he said he was going to take it when it came back down. And so we are talking about what we are going to do tomorrow and such (already being like best friends) we didn’t have time to get off of the elevator. So first the elevator goes to my floor (the third floor) and then closes before I get off so we go up to the fourth floor where the others are supposed to be getting off, but we are still talking so much that they didn’t get off either before the doors closed again and it takes us down to my floor again and as I say good bye trying to unload my luggage from the elevator the door closes on me yet again. When the elevator doors open again we see a very surprised Brother Galer standing looking at us and then says, “Having elevator trouble?” He finds room to climb on and then we go up to my floor yet again and finally I climb off the elevator before it closes.
Having said my good nights I am able to head to my room and realize that I am actually right across the hall from Emily and her roommate Tina. I say hi as I search for my room card and as I scan the door reader it beeps loudly and blinks red. Red is never a good sign, I don’t care what country you are in. So I scan it again and it does the same thing. I then ask Emily how she got into her door and she said it flashed green and let her in. I see no other option so I head downstairs to the front desk and tell them, “Zhe ge ka….bu hao!” This card….not good! They look like they understand and then they take my card scan it on something and then give it back to me. I ask them if it’s good and they say it is. I head back upstairs to where I left my stuff outside the door and thinking “I can now finally go into my room.” I scan my card. BEEP!! Another red flash! I am really confused now and start wondering if I am even at the right door. I recheck my number and it is indeed 325 but for some reason my card doesn’t want to work. After being suggested to knock on the door from my friends across the hall, I then just decide to knock on the door and after I knock a few times I hear someone move around inside. I see the door open and I get ready to say hi to my new roommate this semester.
The door opens and I see a very annoyed very sleepy looking person that looks like I had just woke him up (which I did). He seems to understand right away that I am his roommate and invites me in without saying anything to me. He turns the lights on and points to the bed closest to the door and says, “That one’s yours and these are too”, motioning to a set of drawers and a cabinet. He then turns to me and says, “You know what, if you want to, you can keep the lights on for as long as you want, if you want to unpack, ok? I can sleep with the lights on!” With this said he climbs into his bed without another word. I am not sure what to make of this so I just put my bags down, change into my pajamas, shut off the lights, and hop into bed. I drift off to bed really fast.
I wake up the next morning at 5:00 without even an ounce of fatigue in me. I look over and my roommate is up as well and feeling just as well. We end up just getting up and dressed and introduce ourselves. Adam Duncan(as his name turns out to be) and myself then head out to get some breakfast on the street. Adam is a returned missionary from Taiwan and so his Chinese is really good. He is also really cool and a fun guy to be around. We get something to eat and then are able to talk a bit more before meeting up with the rest of our group and going over rules and such. So although the first experience seemed a little different and confusing about how everything would turn out, things did turn out ok. Even my room key started working the next morning!TIC!!